# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Instances.Instance do @moduledoc "Instance." alias Pleroma.Instances alias Pleroma.Instances.Instance alias Pleroma.Maps alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Workers.BackgroundWorker use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Query import Ecto.Changeset require Logger schema "instances" do field(:host, :string) field(:unreachable_since, :naive_datetime_usec) field(:favicon, :string) field(:favicon_updated_at, :naive_datetime) embeds_one :metadata, Pleroma.Instances.Metadata, primary_key: false do field(:software_name, :string) field(:software_version, :string) field(:software_repository, :string) end field(:metadata_updated_at, :utc_datetime) timestamps() end defdelegate host(url_or_host), to: Instances def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do struct |> cast(params, __schema__(:fields) -- [:metadata]) |> cast_embed(:metadata, with: &metadata_changeset/2) |> validate_required([:host]) |> unique_constraint(:host) end def metadata_changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do struct |> cast(params, [:software_name, :software_version, :software_repository]) end def filter_reachable([]), do: %{} def filter_reachable(urls_or_hosts) when is_list(urls_or_hosts) do hosts = urls_or_hosts |> Enum.map(&(&1 && host(&1))) |> Enum.filter(&(to_string(&1) != "")) unreachable_since_by_host = Repo.all( from(i in Instance, where: i.host in ^hosts, select: {i.host, i.unreachable_since} ) ) |> Map.new(& &1) reachability_datetime_threshold = Instances.reachability_datetime_threshold() for entry <- Enum.filter(urls_or_hosts, &is_binary/1) do host = host(entry) unreachable_since = unreachable_since_by_host[host] if !unreachable_since || NaiveDateTime.compare(unreachable_since, reachability_datetime_threshold) == :gt do {entry, unreachable_since} end end |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Map.new(& &1) end def reachable?(url_or_host) when is_binary(url_or_host) do !Repo.one( from(i in Instance, where: i.host == ^host(url_or_host) and i.unreachable_since <= ^Instances.reachability_datetime_threshold(), select: true ) ) end def reachable?(url_or_host) when is_binary(url_or_host), do: true def set_reachable(url_or_host) when is_binary(url_or_host) do %Instance{host: host(url_or_host)} |> changeset(%{unreachable_since: nil}) |> Repo.insert(on_conflict: {:replace, [:unreachable_since]}, conflict_target: :host) end def set_reachable(_), do: {:error, nil} def set_unreachable(url_or_host, unreachable_since \\ nil) def set_unreachable(url_or_host, unreachable_since) when is_binary(url_or_host) do unreachable_since = parse_datetime(unreachable_since) || NaiveDateTime.utc_now() host = host(url_or_host) existing_record = Repo.get_by(Instance, %{host: host}) changes = %{unreachable_since: unreachable_since} cond do is_nil(existing_record) -> %Instance{} |> changeset(Map.put(changes, :host, host)) |> Repo.insert() existing_record.unreachable_since && NaiveDateTime.compare(existing_record.unreachable_since, unreachable_since) != :gt -> {:ok, existing_record} true -> existing_record |> changeset(changes) |> Repo.update() end end def set_unreachable(_, _), do: {:error, nil} def get_consistently_unreachable do reachability_datetime_threshold = Instances.reachability_datetime_threshold() from(i in Instance, where: ^reachability_datetime_threshold > i.unreachable_since, order_by: i.unreachable_since, select: {i.host, i.unreachable_since} ) |> Repo.all() end defp parse_datetime(datetime) when is_binary(datetime) do NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601(datetime) end defp parse_datetime(datetime), do: datetime def get_or_update_favicon(%URI{host: host} = instance_uri) do existing_record = Repo.get_by(Instance, %{host: host}) now = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() if existing_record && existing_record.favicon_updated_at && NaiveDateTime.diff(now, existing_record.favicon_updated_at) < 86_400 do existing_record.favicon else favicon = scrape_favicon(instance_uri) if existing_record do existing_record |> changeset(%{favicon: favicon, favicon_updated_at: now}) |> Repo.update() else %Instance{} |> changeset(%{host: host, favicon: favicon, favicon_updated_at: now}) |> Repo.insert() end favicon end rescue e -> Logger.warning("Instance.get_or_update_favicon(\"#{host}\") error: #{inspect(e)}") nil end defp scrape_favicon(%URI{} = instance_uri) do try do with {_, true} <- {:reachable, reachable?(instance_uri.host)}, {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: html}} <- Pleroma.HTTP.get(to_string(instance_uri), [{"accept", "text/html"}], pool: :media), {_, [favicon_rel | _]} when is_binary(favicon_rel) <- {:parse, html |> Floki.parse_document!() |> Floki.attribute("link[rel=icon]", "href")}, {_, favicon} when is_binary(favicon) <- {:merge, URI.merge(instance_uri, favicon_rel) |> to_string()} do favicon else {:reachable, false} -> Logger.debug( "Instance.scrape_favicon(\"#{to_string(instance_uri)}\") ignored unreachable host" ) nil _ -> nil end rescue e -> Logger.warning( "Instance.scrape_favicon(\"#{to_string(instance_uri)}\") error: #{inspect(e)}" ) nil end end def get_or_update_metadata(%URI{host: host} = instance_uri) do existing_record = Repo.get_by(Instance, %{host: host}) now = NaiveDateTime.utc_now() if existing_record && existing_record.metadata_updated_at && NaiveDateTime.diff(now, existing_record.metadata_updated_at) < 86_400 do existing_record.metadata else metadata = scrape_metadata(instance_uri) if existing_record do existing_record |> changeset(%{metadata: metadata, metadata_updated_at: now}) |> Repo.update() else %Instance{} |> changeset(%{host: host, metadata: metadata, metadata_updated_at: now}) |> Repo.insert() end metadata end end defp get_nodeinfo_uri(well_known) do links = Map.get(well_known, "links", []) nodeinfo21 = Enum.find(links, &(&1["rel"] == "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.1"))["href"] nodeinfo20 = Enum.find(links, &(&1["rel"] == "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0"))["href"] cond do is_binary(nodeinfo21) -> {:ok, nodeinfo21} is_binary(nodeinfo20) -> {:ok, nodeinfo20} true -> {:error, :no_links} end end defp scrape_metadata(%URI{} = instance_uri) do try do with {_, true} <- {:reachable, reachable?(instance_uri.host)}, {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: well_known_body}} <- instance_uri |> URI.merge("/.well-known/nodeinfo") |> to_string() |> Pleroma.HTTP.get([{"accept", "application/json"}]), {:ok, well_known_json} <- Jason.decode(well_known_body), {:ok, nodeinfo_uri} <- get_nodeinfo_uri(well_known_json), {:ok, %Tesla.Env{body: nodeinfo_body}} <- Pleroma.HTTP.get(nodeinfo_uri, [{"accept", "application/json"}]), {:ok, nodeinfo} <- Jason.decode(nodeinfo_body) do # Can extract more metadata from NodeInfo but need to be careful about it's size, # can't just dump the entire thing software = Map.get(nodeinfo, "software", %{}) %{ software_name: software["name"], software_version: software["version"] } |> Maps.put_if_present(:software_repository, software["repository"]) else {:reachable, false} -> Logger.debug( "Instance.scrape_metadata(\"#{to_string(instance_uri)}\") ignored unreachable host" ) nil _ -> nil end rescue e -> Logger.warning( "Instance.scrape_metadata(\"#{to_string(instance_uri)}\") error: #{inspect(e)}" ) nil end end @doc """ Deletes all users from an instance in a background task, thus also deleting all of those users' activities and notifications. """ def delete_users_and_activities(host) when is_binary(host) do BackgroundWorker.enqueue("delete_instance", %{"host" => host}) end def perform(:delete_instance, host) when is_binary(host) do User.Query.build(%{nickname: "@#{host}"}) |> Repo.chunk_stream(100, :batches) |> Stream.each(fn users -> users |> Enum.each(fn user -> User.perform(:delete, user) end) end) |> Stream.run() end end