# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.UtilsTest do use Pleroma.DataCase, async: true alias Pleroma.Activity alias Pleroma.Object alias Pleroma.Repo alias Pleroma.User alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Utils alias Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.AccountView alias Pleroma.Web.CommonAPI import Pleroma.Factory require Pleroma.Constants describe "strip_report_status_data/1" do test "does not break on issues with the reported activities" do reporter = insert(:user) target_account = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(target_account, %{status: "foobar"}) context = Utils.generate_context_id() content = "foobar" post_id = activity.data["id"] res = Utils.make_flag_data( %{ actor: reporter, context: context, account: target_account, statuses: [%{"id" => post_id}], content: content }, %{} ) res = res |> Map.put("object", res["object"] ++ [nil, 1, 5, "123"]) {:ok, activity} = Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.insert(res) [user_id, object | _] = activity.data["object"] {:ok, stripped} = Utils.strip_report_status_data(activity) assert stripped.data["object"] == [user_id, object["id"]] end end describe "fetch the latest Follow" do test "fetches the latest Follow activity" do %Activity{data: %{"type" => "Follow"}} = activity = insert(:follow_activity) follower = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(activity.data["actor"]) followed = User.get_cached_by_ap_id(activity.data["object"]) assert activity == Utils.fetch_latest_follow(follower, followed) end end describe "determine_explicit_mentions()" do test "works with an object that has mentions" do object = %{ "tag" => [ %{ "type" => "Mention", "href" => "https://example.com/~alyssa", "name" => "Alyssa P. Hacker" } ] } assert Utils.determine_explicit_mentions(object) == ["https://example.com/~alyssa"] end test "works with an object that does not have mentions" do object = %{ "tag" => [ %{"type" => "Hashtag", "href" => "https://example.com/tag/2hu", "name" => "2hu"} ] } assert Utils.determine_explicit_mentions(object) == [] end test "works with an object that has mentions and other tags" do object = %{ "tag" => [ %{ "type" => "Mention", "href" => "https://example.com/~alyssa", "name" => "Alyssa P. Hacker" }, %{"type" => "Hashtag", "href" => "https://example.com/tag/2hu", "name" => "2hu"} ] } assert Utils.determine_explicit_mentions(object) == ["https://example.com/~alyssa"] end test "works with an object that has no tags" do object = %{} assert Utils.determine_explicit_mentions(object) == [] end test "works with an object that has only IR tags" do object = %{"tag" => ["2hu"]} assert Utils.determine_explicit_mentions(object) == [] end test "works with an object has tags as map" do object = %{ "tag" => %{ "type" => "Mention", "href" => "https://example.com/~alyssa", "name" => "Alyssa P. Hacker" } } assert Utils.determine_explicit_mentions(object) == ["https://example.com/~alyssa"] end end describe "make_like_data" do setup do user = insert(:user) other_user = insert(:user) third_user = insert(:user) [user: user, other_user: other_user, third_user: third_user] end test "addresses actor's follower address if the activity is public", %{ user: user, other_user: other_user, third_user: third_user } do expected_to = Enum.sort([user.ap_id, other_user.follower_address]) expected_cc = Enum.sort(["https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public", third_user.ap_id]) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{ status: "hey @#{other_user.nickname}, @#{third_user.nickname} how about beering together this weekend?" }) %{"to" => to, "cc" => cc} = Utils.make_like_data(other_user, activity, nil) assert Enum.sort(to) == expected_to assert Enum.sort(cc) == expected_cc end test "does not address actor's follower address if the activity is not public", %{ user: user, other_user: other_user, third_user: third_user } do expected_to = Enum.sort([user.ap_id]) expected_cc = [third_user.ap_id] {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{ status: "@#{other_user.nickname} @#{third_user.nickname} bought a new swimsuit!", visibility: "private" }) %{"to" => to, "cc" => cc} = Utils.make_like_data(other_user, activity, nil) assert Enum.sort(to) == expected_to assert Enum.sort(cc) == expected_cc end end test "make_json_ld_header/0" do assert Utils.make_json_ld_header() == %{ "@context" => [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "http://localhost:4001/schemas/litepub-0.1.jsonld", %{ "@language" => "und" } ] } end describe "get_existing_votes" do test "fetches existing votes" do user = insert(:user) other_user = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{ status: "How do I pronounce LaTeX?", poll: %{ options: ["laytekh", "lahtekh", "latex"], expires_in: 20, multiple: true } }) object = Object.normalize(activity, fetch: false) {:ok, votes, object} = CommonAPI.vote(other_user, object, [0, 1]) assert Enum.sort(Utils.get_existing_votes(other_user.ap_id, object)) == Enum.sort(votes) end test "fetches only Create activities" do user = insert(:user) other_user = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(user, %{ status: "Are we living in a society?", poll: %{ options: ["yes", "no"], expires_in: 20 } }) object = Object.normalize(activity, fetch: false) {:ok, [vote], object} = CommonAPI.vote(other_user, object, [0]) {:ok, _activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, user) [fetched_vote] = Utils.get_existing_votes(other_user.ap_id, object) assert fetched_vote.id == vote.id end end describe "update_follow_state_for_all/2" do test "updates the state of all Follow activities with the same actor and object" do user = insert(:user, is_locked: true) follower = insert(:user) {:ok, _, _, follow_activity} = CommonAPI.follow(follower, user) {:ok, _, _, follow_activity_two} = CommonAPI.follow(follower, user) data = follow_activity_two.data |> Map.put("state", "accept") cng = Ecto.Changeset.change(follow_activity_two, data: data) {:ok, follow_activity_two} = Repo.update(cng) {:ok, follow_activity_two} = Utils.update_follow_state_for_all(follow_activity_two, "accept") assert refresh_record(follow_activity).data["state"] == "accept" assert refresh_record(follow_activity_two).data["state"] == "accept" end test "also updates the state of accepted follows" do user = insert(:user) follower = insert(:user) {:ok, _, _, follow_activity} = CommonAPI.follow(follower, user) {:ok, _, _, follow_activity_two} = CommonAPI.follow(follower, user) {:ok, follow_activity_two} = Utils.update_follow_state_for_all(follow_activity_two, "reject") assert refresh_record(follow_activity).data["state"] == "reject" assert refresh_record(follow_activity_two).data["state"] == "reject" end end describe "update_follow_state/2" do test "updates the state of the given follow activity" do user = insert(:user, is_locked: true) follower = insert(:user) {:ok, _, _, follow_activity} = CommonAPI.follow(follower, user) {:ok, _, _, follow_activity_two} = CommonAPI.follow(follower, user) data = follow_activity_two.data |> Map.put("state", "accept") cng = Ecto.Changeset.change(follow_activity_two, data: data) {:ok, follow_activity_two} = Repo.update(cng) {:ok, follow_activity_two} = Utils.update_follow_state(follow_activity_two, "reject") assert refresh_record(follow_activity).data["state"] == "pending" assert refresh_record(follow_activity_two).data["state"] == "reject" end end describe "update_element_in_object/3" do test "updates likes" do user = insert(:user) activity = insert(:note_activity) object = Object.normalize(activity, fetch: false) assert {:ok, updated_object} = Utils.update_element_in_object( "like", [user.ap_id], object ) assert updated_object.data["likes"] == [user.ap_id] assert updated_object.data["like_count"] == 1 end end describe "add_like_to_object/2" do test "add actor to likes" do user = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) object = insert(:note) assert {:ok, updated_object} = Utils.add_like_to_object( %Activity{data: %{"actor" => user.ap_id}}, object ) assert updated_object.data["likes"] == [user.ap_id] assert updated_object.data["like_count"] == 1 assert {:ok, updated_object2} = Utils.add_like_to_object( %Activity{data: %{"actor" => user2.ap_id}}, updated_object ) assert updated_object2.data["likes"] == [user2.ap_id, user.ap_id] assert updated_object2.data["like_count"] == 2 end end describe "remove_like_from_object/2" do test "removes ap_id from likes" do user = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) object = insert(:note, data: %{"likes" => [user.ap_id, user2.ap_id], "like_count" => 2}) assert {:ok, updated_object} = Utils.remove_like_from_object( %Activity{data: %{"actor" => user.ap_id}}, object ) assert updated_object.data["likes"] == [user2.ap_id] assert updated_object.data["like_count"] == 1 end end describe "get_existing_like/2" do test "fetches existing like" do note_activity = insert(:note_activity) assert object = Object.normalize(note_activity, fetch: false) user = insert(:user) refute Utils.get_existing_like(user.ap_id, object) {:ok, like_activity} = CommonAPI.favorite(note_activity.id, user) assert ^like_activity = Utils.get_existing_like(user.ap_id, object) end end describe "get_get_existing_announce/2" do test "returns nil if announce not found" do actor = insert(:user) refute Utils.get_existing_announce(actor.ap_id, %{data: %{"id" => "test"}}) end test "fetches existing announce" do note_activity = insert(:note_activity) assert object = Object.normalize(note_activity, fetch: false) actor = insert(:user) {:ok, announce} = CommonAPI.repeat(note_activity.id, actor) assert Utils.get_existing_announce(actor.ap_id, object) == announce end end describe "fetch_latest_block/2" do test "fetches last block activities" do user1 = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) assert {:ok, %Activity{} = _} = CommonAPI.block(user1, user2) assert {:ok, %Activity{} = _} = CommonAPI.block(user1, user2) assert {:ok, %Activity{} = activity} = CommonAPI.block(user1, user2) assert Utils.fetch_latest_block(user1, user2) == activity end end describe "recipient_in_message/3" do test "returns true when recipient in `to`" do recipient = insert(:user) actor = insert(:user) assert Utils.recipient_in_message(recipient, actor, %{"to" => recipient.ap_id}) assert Utils.recipient_in_message( recipient, actor, %{"to" => [recipient.ap_id], "cc" => ""} ) end test "returns true when recipient in `cc`" do recipient = insert(:user) actor = insert(:user) assert Utils.recipient_in_message(recipient, actor, %{"cc" => recipient.ap_id}) assert Utils.recipient_in_message( recipient, actor, %{"cc" => [recipient.ap_id], "to" => ""} ) end test "returns true when recipient in `bto`" do recipient = insert(:user) actor = insert(:user) assert Utils.recipient_in_message(recipient, actor, %{"bto" => recipient.ap_id}) assert Utils.recipient_in_message( recipient, actor, %{"bcc" => "", "bto" => [recipient.ap_id]} ) end test "returns true when recipient in `bcc`" do recipient = insert(:user) actor = insert(:user) assert Utils.recipient_in_message(recipient, actor, %{"bcc" => recipient.ap_id}) assert Utils.recipient_in_message( recipient, actor, %{"bto" => "", "bcc" => [recipient.ap_id]} ) end test "returns true when message without addresses fields" do recipient = insert(:user) actor = insert(:user) assert Utils.recipient_in_message(recipient, actor, %{"bccc" => recipient.ap_id}) assert Utils.recipient_in_message( recipient, actor, %{"btod" => "", "bccc" => [recipient.ap_id]} ) end test "returns false" do recipient = insert(:user) actor = insert(:user) refute Utils.recipient_in_message(recipient, actor, %{"to" => "ap_id"}) end end describe "lazy_put_activity_defaults/2" do test "returns map with id and published data" do note_activity = insert(:note_activity) object = Object.normalize(note_activity, fetch: false) res = Utils.lazy_put_activity_defaults(%{"context" => object.data["id"]}) assert res["context"] == object.data["id"] assert res["id"] assert res["published"] end test "returns map with fake id and published data" do assert %{ "context" => "pleroma:fakecontext", "id" => "pleroma:fakeid", "published" => _ } = Utils.lazy_put_activity_defaults(%{}, true) end test "returns activity data with object" do note_activity = insert(:note_activity) object = Object.normalize(note_activity, fetch: false) res = Utils.lazy_put_activity_defaults(%{ "context" => object.data["id"], "object" => %{} }) assert res["context"] == object.data["id"] assert res["id"] assert res["published"] assert res["object"]["id"] assert res["object"]["published"] assert res["object"]["context"] == object.data["id"] end end describe "make_flag_data" do test "returns empty map when params is invalid" do assert Utils.make_flag_data(%{}, %{}) == %{} end test "returns map with Flag object" do reporter = insert(:user) target_account = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(target_account, %{status: "foobar"}) context = Utils.generate_context_id() content = "foobar" target_ap_id = target_account.ap_id object_ap_id = activity.object.data["id"] res = Utils.make_flag_data( %{ actor: reporter, context: context, account: target_account, statuses: [%{"id" => activity.data["id"]}], content: content }, %{} ) note_obj = %{ "type" => "Note", "id" => object_ap_id, "content" => content, "published" => activity.object.data["published"], "actor" => AccountView.render("show.json", %{user: target_account, skip_visibility_check: true}) } assert %{ "type" => "Flag", "content" => ^content, "context" => ^context, "object" => [^target_ap_id, ^note_obj], "state" => "open" } = res end test "returns map with Flag object with a non-Create Activity" do reporter = insert(:user) posting_account = insert(:user) target_account = insert(:user) {:ok, activity} = CommonAPI.post(posting_account, %{status: "foobar"}) {:ok, like} = CommonAPI.favorite(activity.id, target_account) context = Utils.generate_context_id() content = "foobar" target_ap_id = target_account.ap_id object_ap_id = activity.object.data["id"] res = Utils.make_flag_data( %{ actor: reporter, context: context, account: target_account, statuses: [%{"id" => like.data["id"]}], content: content }, %{} ) note_obj = %{ "type" => "Note", "id" => object_ap_id, "content" => content, "published" => activity.object.data["published"], "actor" => AccountView.render("show.json", %{user: posting_account, skip_visibility_check: true}) } assert %{ "type" => "Flag", "content" => ^content, "context" => ^context, "object" => [^target_ap_id, ^note_obj], "state" => "open" } = res end end describe "add_announce_to_object/2" do test "adds actor to announcement" do user = insert(:user) object = insert(:note) activity = insert(:note_activity, data: %{ "actor" => user.ap_id, "cc" => [Pleroma.Constants.as_public()] } ) assert {:ok, updated_object} = Utils.add_announce_to_object(activity, object) assert updated_object.data["announcements"] == [user.ap_id] assert updated_object.data["announcement_count"] == 1 end end describe "remove_announce_from_object/2" do test "removes actor from announcements" do user = insert(:user) user2 = insert(:user) object = insert(:note, data: %{"announcements" => [user.ap_id, user2.ap_id], "announcement_count" => 2} ) activity = insert(:note_activity, data: %{"actor" => user.ap_id}) assert {:ok, updated_object} = Utils.remove_announce_from_object(activity, object) assert updated_object.data["announcements"] == [user2.ap_id] assert updated_object.data["announcement_count"] == 1 end end describe "get_cached_emoji_reactions/1" do test "returns the normalized data or an empty list" do object = insert(:note) assert Utils.get_cached_emoji_reactions(object) == [] object = insert(:note, data: %{"reactions" => [["x", ["lain"]]]}) assert Utils.get_cached_emoji_reactions(object) == [["x", ["lain"], nil]] object = insert(:note, data: %{"reactions" => %{}}) assert Utils.get_cached_emoji_reactions(object) == [] end end describe "add_emoji_reaction_to_object/1" do test "works with legacy 2-tuple format" do user = insert(:user) other_user = insert(:user) third_user = insert(:user) note = insert(:note, user: user, data: %{ "reactions" => [["😿", [other_user.ap_id]]] } ) _activity = insert(:note_activity, user: user, note: note) Utils.add_emoji_reaction_to_object( %Activity{data: %{"content" => "😿", "actor" => third_user.ap_id}}, note ) end end end