2020-01-19 21:24:54 +09:00

53 lines
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| Application Routes
| Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application.
| It is a breeze. Simply tell Lumen the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the Closure to call when that URI is requested.
function joinHostPort($components)
return $components['host'] . (isset($components['port']) ? ':' . $components['port'] : '');
/** @var Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router $router */
foreach (config('datasets') as $name => $dataset) {
// route for resource URI
$urlComponents = parse_url($dataset['resource_uri']);
$hostPort = $dataset['host_name'] ?: joinHostPort($urlComponents);
if ($hostPort === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
$router->addRoute('GET', $urlComponents['path'], [
'uses' => 'ResourceController@resource',
'as' => 'resource.' . $name,
'middleware' => 'content_negotiation'
// route for html URI
$urlComponents = parse_url($dataset['html_uri']);
$hostPort = $dataset['host_name'] ?: joinHostPort($urlComponents);
if ($hostPort === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
$router->addRoute('GET', $urlComponents['path'], [
'uses' => 'ResourceController@html',
'as' => 'html.' . $name,
// route for data URI
$urlComponents = parse_url($dataset['data_uri']);
$hostPort = $dataset['host_name'] ?: joinHostPort($urlComponents);
if ($hostPort === $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
$router->addRoute('GET', $urlComponents['path'].'{ext:\.[A-Za-z]+}', [
'uses' => 'ResourceController@data',
'as' => 'data.' . $name,