import os import time import click from requests.exceptions import HTTPError from . import __version__ from .client import ISDNClient from .model import ISDN, ISDNRoot def cli(): pass @cli.command() def version(): click.echo(f"isdn/{__version__}") @cli.command("get", help="Get record from") @click.argument("isdn") @click.option("--format", "-f", type=click.Choice(["xml", "dict", "json"]), default="xml") def get_isdn(isdn: str, format: str): c = ISDNClient() match format: case "xml": res = c.get_raw(isdn) case "dict": res = c.get(isdn).dict() case "json": res = c.get(isdn).json(ensure_ascii=False) case _: raise NotImplementedError click.echo(res) @cli.command("list", help="List all ISDNs from") def list_isdns(): c = ISDNClient() for isdn in c.list(): click.echo(isdn) @cli.command(help="Download all xml record files from") @click.argument("directory", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, writable=True)) @click.option("--force", "-f", is_flag=True, help="Overwrite existing files") @click.option("--stop-on-error", is_flag=True, help="Stop when error occurs during download") @click.option("--sleep-time", "-s", type=int, default=500, help="Sleep interval for download (millisecond)") @click.option("--write-image", is_flag=True, help="Write cover image to file") @click.option( "--write-image-path", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, writable=True), help="Directory path to write cover images", ) def bulk_download( directory: str, force: bool, stop_on_error: bool, sleep_time: int, write_image: bool, write_image_path: str ): c = ISDNClient() with click.progressbar(list(c.list()), show_pos=True) as bar: for isdn in bar: path = os.path.join(directory, f"{isdn}.xml") image_path = os.path.join(write_image_path or directory, f"{isdn}.png") if not force and os.path.exists(path) and (not write_image or write_image and os.path.exists(image_path)): continue try: res = c.get_raw(isdn) with open(path, "wb") as out: out.write(res) if write_image: record = ISDNRoot.from_xml_first(res) if record.sample_image_uri: img = c.get_image(isdn) with open(image_path, "wb") as out: out.write(img) except HTTPError as err: if stop_on_error: raise err else: continue time.sleep(sleep_time / 1000) @cli.command(help="Validate ISDN code") @click.argument("isdn") def validate(isdn: str): try: click.echo(ISDN(isdn).validate(raise_error=True)) except Exception as e: click.echo(e, err=True)